MEDIC Canada, located in the heart of Alberta, is a faith based non profit organization founded in 2002 with a vision to create sustainable development for impoverished communities. It operates using a philosophy of “Helping People Help Themselves” by improving their personal situations, restoring their dignity and achieving self-sufficiency.
In the past 12 years MEDIC Canada has capitalized our affiliates in Benin, Ghana, Togo, Sri Lanka, and India with close to $900,000. We are blessed to provide $1.7 million in credit per year and meet the needs of approximately 38,000 people. The social impact is the reduction of poverty which results in better and more reliable food, housing, education for children and better access to more affordable healthcare.
The future is bright as we further develop our donor base, grow our investor network, build partnerships, and increase our Affiliates to dramatically expand our global impact of our Mission.
Together we can make a difference!